Engineering better medicines...



Tissue Engineering

  • Peripheral artery disease

    We have designed angiogenic and myogenic scaffolds that can help regenerate vasculature and muscle in ischemic (low-blood flow) sites in peripheral tissue (PAD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

  • Dental Pulp Regeneration

    Root canal therapy treats the infected dental pulp by replacing it with tiny rubber rods such as Gutta Percha, but this also effectively kills the remaining tooth. At the end, the tooth loses all ability to maintain itself. We address this problem by developing a material based strategy to help regenerate living dental pulp after a root canal. This will be investigated by injecting a self-assembling peptide based hydrogel with the necessary material and biological properties to regenerate the pulp like tissue in the dental canal. 

  • Diabetic wound healing

    Tissue engineered scaffolds with intrinsic angiogenic and anti-microbial activity may hold promise in treating and helping hasten the healing of infected diabetic wounds as functinoalized wound filling hydrogels - notorious for refractory healing, necrosis and eventual limb salvage.

  • Diabetic fracture healing

    During diabetes fractured bones heal poorly. We have developed grwoth factor mimics and delivery platforms to help enhance diabetic wound healing in rodent models.

Drug Development

  • Treatment of WetAMD

    Retinal neovascularization leads to blindness, as vessels from the choroid and the rupture of Bruch’s membrane cause macular damage and degeneration. By injecting an anti-angiogenic scaffold, proliferative vessels are restricted from causing vision loss. 

  • Computational Drug Design

    Advances in computing and microscopy have allow molecular targets and cognate structures to be designed, prototype and evaluated for MCP-1, Sigma-2, VEGFR, SARS-CoV-2 binding.

  • Opioid Management

    The opioid epidemic has been a rising public health concern for the past 20 years. We work on extended release Nalxone formulations and novel Sigma-2 opioid receptor binders.

  • Fracture Healing

    Diabetes impacts wound and fracture healing. This is especially significant in our aging population and requires directed strategies to enhance healing. We are exploring the release of small molecules to help enhance fracture healing in hyperglycemic states.

Medical Devices

  • Cupping for PAD

    Approximately 8.5M Americans and 250M worldwide suffer from peripheral artery disease (PAD). While treatment to manage symptoms exist, there is no FDA-approved therapy to improve microvascular circulation. In this proposal, we will test the efficacy of cupping therapy to treat symptomatic claudication in PAD and develop and use a gait-based diagnostic scale to monitor the progression during the treatment. 

  • Novel Toothbrushes

    Working with collaborators at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, KumarLab has engineered an electric toothbrush with on-board suction incorporated into the brushing head. 

  • Cartilage Regeneration

    When cartilage is damaged, whether by injury or regular wear and tear, the avascular nature of many cartilage deposits makes it difficult for your body to a) remove the damaged tissue, and b) repair the damage with healthy tissue. We aim to encourage vascularization and small molecule release from our gels to promote cartilage regeneration.

  • Micro-reactor

    Peptide synthesis is a key strategy to make drugs quickly for potential therapeutic use. Synthesizers are large and bulky - we're trying to make a smaller one


  • Advanced Biomaterials

  • Engineering Better Medicines

  • Adv. Synth and Char. of Biomat.

  • Biomedical Research Design


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We live in an interesting and challenging time. A true transdisciplinary renaissance for science, art and technology. Our lab is interested in the intersection of computational design, materials, medicine and engineering. We seek to develop technologies, educate entrepreneurs and train translational scientists using peptide chemistry, biomaterials engineering, medical device manufacturing and translational entrepreneurship.

Vivek Kumar
Director KumarLab


Publications and Patents




Students mentored
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